Junior High Ministry

Granville Chapel’s grade 6-8 youth community

Junior High Youth is group of kids from grade 6 to 8 at Granville Chapel. It is a vibrant community fuelled by a deep commitment to discover what it means to follow Jesus.

Our young students are on the edge of everything – teenage years, high school, new physiological and social developments. They are in a key transition between “the faith of my parents” and the question, “Am I going to really follow Jesus?” 

We want to stand with them as they face significant realities and help guide them through. Especially NOW we want to give our youth a place to invite friends and build community that draws them to God, to each other, and then sends them out on God’s mission.  

Please subscribe to our weekly email updates where weekly event information is shared

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Contact Max Janssen for any other questions: maxjanssen@granvillechapel.com
